My favorite time of the year is upon us.
October is the most colorful month of the season. Literally.
In Missouri and Kansas, that’s when the forests are splashed with orange, red and yellow as the leaves turn colors.
I remember many impressive displays of Mother Nature’s artwork. On weekend trips to our family cabin in central Wisconsin, we would always take drives along the lakes and flowages to view the awe-inspiring fall colors.
Shortly after I took a job at the Kansas City Star in the early 1980s, I remember being fascinated by the reflection of the colorful trees along the Grand River on the water as I hunted turkeys with a friend.
And a few years ago, I was struck by the vivid yellows of the changing aspen trees in Alaska.
That’s why I look forward to October. In Missouri and Kansas, the peak of fall color usually takes place around mid-October. That’s when the maples, ashes, oaks and hickories usually are in full display, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation.