by Brent Frazee | Dec 26, 2016 | Hunting, Missouri
Aaron Jeffries and his dad Mike have gotten a glimpse of quail hunting’s golden past this fall and winter. Oh, there are nowhere near the number of birds nor the amount of habitat that Missouri once had. But there is little doubt that the Show-Me State is steadily...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 23, 2016 | Hunting, Kansas
Big flakes of snow drifted peacefully through the slate-gray sky, creating a Christmas-card-like scene. It was the day of Christmas Eve, and that light snow promised a white Christmas. But it meant much more than that to Phil Taunton. That peaceful snow also set the...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
This has been a year of extremes for Missouri duck hunters. The weather in the first half of the season was too hot. Conditions in the second half have been too cold. Taken as a whole, that has resulted in a disappointing season for most hunters. Hopes were high going...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 20, 2016 | Hunting, Missouri
Missouri turkey and deer hunters have some dates to circle on the 2017 calendars they receive for Christmas. At its meeting late last week, the Missouri Conservation Commission approved staff recommendations for next year’s seasons. Spring turkey: April 17-May 7 for...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 17, 2016 | Missouri, Outdoors, Ozarks
The new year will bring three new state parks to Missouri’s Ozarks, Gov. Jay Nixon announced on Dec. 16. The parks will showcase the rugged beauty of southern Missouri, featuring clear-water streams, bluffs, knobs and scenic vistas. The additions to the Missouri...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 15, 2016 | Hunting, Kansas
Two women teachers at Erie Elementary School in southeast Kansas are part of deer hunting’s changing face. Women hunting deer is nothing new. Over the years, they have always been part of the hunting scene. But national statistics indicate that they are taking to the...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 14, 2016 | General, Kansas, Missouri, Outdoors
This Christmas tradition is for the birds. We’re talking about the Audubon Christmas Bird Count, where thousands of bird-watchers across the nation gather in teams during the holiday season and beat the bushes to count their feathered friends. The annual counts, which...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 12, 2016 | Fishing, General
In keeping with tradition, I’m going to provide some Christmas gift ideas for the fisherman on your list who has everything. During my time at The Kansas City Star, I followed two themes. I started by highlighting new products on the market. Then, I started featuring...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 10, 2016 | Fishing, Kansas
It hit like a bass, it fought like a bass, it even looked like a bass…well, if you’re a little nearsighted, like I am. Of course, it wasn’t. It was just a big pretender, a drum that gave my light-action rod and reel and 4-pound test line a test. This big girl hit a...
by Brent Frazee | Dec 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
Looking for the ideal Christmas gift for the fisherman who seemingly has everything? How about a guided fishing trip in one of 14 states? The Future Fisherman Foundation, a national nonprofit organization that funds national fishing education programs for youth, is...